NBN #SaveOurCompost City Council Testimony
North Brooklyn Neighbors submitted testimony to the City Council in response to the FY2021 executive budget’s proposed cuts to the organic recycling program. Please find our testimony below.
New Yorkers may also submit written testimony about the budget. If you would like to use the NBN letter as a template. Here you will find versions of the template in: MS Word and as a Google Doc. (Be sure to fill in, or delete, the highlighted sections and save your modified version as a PDF.)
Submit your testimony to all three of the following:
1) Email to financetestimony@council.nyc.gov
2) Upload directly to the Council’s website: council.nyc.gov/testify
3) Copy and paste it into the Office of Management and Budget’s form: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/omb/contact/send-a-message-to-budget-director.page