Sites of Concern: Air Quality Monitoring
January 2020 to present
The continued presence of industrial facilities and busy roads in our neighborhood and a growing population has meant that increasingly, traditionally polluting sites are located next to homes. Residents have been reporting seeing and smelling fumes in specific locations in the neighborhood and have voiced concerns about the health and safety of the air.
Along with NYU Langone Health, North Brooklyn Neighbors undertook a project to sample and analyze the air of five key sites located in our neighborhood. Local sites of concern included the Scheel Corporation, McGuinness Boulevard, United Transit Mix, the South 4th Street entrance ramp to the Brooklyn Queens Expressway, and the Satmar Matzah Bakery. In general, levels of many air contaminants are higher than desired for public safety.
Every single air sample had levels of some type of volatile organic compound (VOC), most frequently benzene, that were above the annual concentration as outlined in the New York State Annual Guideline Concentrations (NYSAGC). Carbon tetrachloride was found in 90% of samples at levels that exceeded the guidelines, and a list of other contaminants found at levels exceeding the guidelines, as well as their frequency, can be found below.
Air Sampling Results
Additionally, the majority of samples had levels of fine particulate matter that exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency’s annual standard. Sources of particulate matter in urban environment most commonly include vehicle exhaust and the burning of fossil fuels.
For more information, read the full report which includes sections on the specific contaminants found at each of the five targeted sites, download the report or dig into the data. Or suggest the next location for in-depth air monitoring here.
2024 Update:
In 2024, North Brooklyn Neighbors undertook additional testing at community reported problem spots. While not included in the original report, our findings are reported below:
West/Commercial/Dupont Streets
1 sampling event
The northern tip of Greenpoint is currently seeing rapid development which introduces an influx of new constructions and increases circulation of trucks in and out of the area. The presence of these new prominent sources of air pollution amidst community spaces where many local residents and their children would frequent (i.e. Newtown Barge & Greenpoint Playgrounds) has been a community concern in recent years. The sample was taken in the front yard of the residence of a community member on Dupont Street in January of 2024.
VOCs: The sample returned results of elevated levels of benzene, 1,3-butadiene and carbon tetrachloride that exceeded the New York State Annual Guideline concentrations (NYS AGS). Several other compounds were found in the air, but not at levels that approached the guidelines. These compounds include acetone, chloromethane, cyclohexane, dichlorodifluoromethane, ethanol, ethylbenzene, heptane, tetrachloroethylene, toluene, trichlorofluoromethane, 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, m&p-Xylene, and o-Xylene.
PM2.5: At 9.17 ug/m3, PM2.5 slightly exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency annual standard of 9 ug/m3 and was also higher than the average level found during the same time period throughout the city. Composition of the particulate matter was further analyzed and found that the largest concentration of particles was made of sulfur with chlorine, iron and calcium making up the next largest sections.
Metropolitan Packaging Manufacturing
68 Java St
1 sampling event
Metropolitan Packaging Manufacturing is a supplier polyethylene bags and film with its main factory located in a dense residential neighborhood. NBN has received concerns from community members regarding an unpleasant smell, akin to that of burnt plastic, in the immediate vicinity of this facility. The sample was taken in the front yard of a private apartment building across the street from the facility in January of 2024.
VOCs: The sample returned results of elevated levels of benzene and carbon tetrachloride that exceeded the New York State Annual Guideline concentrations (NYS AGS). Several other compounds were found in the air, but not at levels that approached the guidelines. These compounds include acetone, chloromethane, cyclohexane, dichlorodifluoromethane, ethanol, ethylbenzene, heptane, 2-Hexanone, toluene, trichlorofluoromethane, m&p-Xylene, and o-Xylene.
PM2.5: At 9.2 ug/m3, PM2.5 slightly exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency annual standard of 9 ug/m3. Composition of the particulate matter was further analyzed and found that the largest concentration of particles was made of calcium with iron, sulfur, silicon and sodium also appearing at significant levels.