DEC Disapproves Feasibility Study for NuHart State Superfund Site
Read the DEC’s Comment Letter here. Next, the property owner will review the DEC’s comments, and let the DEC know whether the Feasibility Study will be updated to fix the problems outlined by in the DEC’s letter. The property owner may provide a modified Feasibility Study. If there is a modified Feasibility Study released, the community’s Technical Advisor (Environmental Stewardship Concepts, hired by NAG under the NYS DEC TAG Grant) will present their review of the range of cleanup opinions evaluated in the study. Some of the items that the DEC noted in the comment letter include:
- The Feasibility Study fails to mention an impermeable barrier to contain phthalate (LNAPL) migration. The DEC has previously told the property owners that an impermeable barrier will be a required element of the remedy.
- The DEC disputes the property owner’s conclusions that the LNAPL plume is and will remain stable. The Feasibility Study doesn’t mention this.
- The utility survey included in the Feasibility Study doesn’t mention all of the monitoring wells.
- Data from certain monitoring wells were included in groundwater maps for some months and not included for maps for other months.
- The Study is missing information about how groundwater contaminated with TCE will be addressed.