North Brooklyn Neighbors supports Make McGuinness Safe
Today North Brooklyn Neighbors sent a letter of support for the Make McGuinness Safe campaign to the NYC Department of Transportation.
From the letter:
… Make McGuinness Safe embodies that [NBN’s] legacy in trying to right the wrongs of McGuinness Boulevard. These wrongs are many: the razing of buildings and ensuing displacement of community members to construct the roadway, the loss of lives of people walking, biking, and traveling by car, the removal of valuable public space in a neighborhood that desperately needs more of it, the damage done to community connectivity, and the negative impact of poor air quality on neighborhood residents. The boulevard was constructed during the urban renewal era, and, just like the highways and expressways built throughout the city during this time, it continues to threaten the very future of our community as fossil fuels continue to push us towards climate instability.
Please see the full text of the letter below.